Eco-gestures and advice

How to save water? How to protect it, protect yourself during heat peaks? What tips to improve its taste? Eau de Paris tells you everything.

Save water resources, and reduce your bill

  • take showers rather than baths;
  • Run washing machines or dishes full ;
  • Rinse your teeth with a cup and use a bowl of water to clean your shaver;
  • At the end of the day, if carafe water hasn't been drunk, use it to wash salad, cook pasta or water plants;
  • Install water savers : they reduce water bills by approximately 15%;
  • Repair or make repair leaks quickly, even small.

Protect the environment

  • Prefer tap water bottled water: less plastic waste and fewer trucks on the road;
  • Adopt a water bottle and drink from the fountains scattered throughout the city;
  • Limit doses soap and shampoo;
  • Do not throw away harmful products in the sink or toilet;
  • Prioritize the products maintenance and housekeeping eco-labeled or natural ;
  • Limit doses of detergent for washing clothes, dishes and the house;
  • Follow the indicated doses by manufacturers on packaging.


Text transcript
  • A bath: 120 to 150 L
  • A shower: 20 to 60 L
  • A dishwasher: 10 to 18 L
  • A dish in the hand: 10 to 20 L
  • A washing machine: 39 to 84 L
  • A dripping tap: 35m3/year = €101

Prefer tap water

This means reducing packaging waste by approximately 7 kg per household and per year!

Good heat wave reflexes

When the temperature rises, water is your best ally! Adopt simple gestures to cope well with episodes of high heat.  

  • Drink regularly before feeling thirsty. Particularly important advice for the elderly and young children.
  • Use and abuse fresh water, accompanied by syrup, rather than a soda.
  • Keep a water bottle with you at home, in the office, and on the street. You can fill it in one of the 1200 water points in Paris
  • Use a fogger to regularly refresh your head, arms, legs and feet.
  • Finish your fresh shower with a jet of cold water, to fight against the feeling of heavy legs.
  • Place a block of ice or a bag of ice cubes in a draft (in front of a fan).

More tips on the website Ministry of Health or Heatwave Info Service on 0 800 06 66 66 (free call from a landline). In case of difficulty or discomfort call 15.

Improve the taste of water

During transport from the factories to your home, one drop of chlorine per 1000 liters is added to protect the water from contamination. At the tap, the content is limited to 0,1 mg/l and presents no risk to the consumer. But sometimes, during temperature variations, its smell or taste can disturb you.

If this happens, leave the water in the refrigerator for a few hours in a clean, closed carafe… and you're done! 

See also

My tap water

Eau de Paris

Eau de Paris

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