Our Values / Mission

Water, heritage of humanity, constitutes a common good. From this conviction flow the values ​​defended by Eau de Paris. They irrigate the strategy of Eau de Paris and its employees embody them on a daily basis.



Engage in a dynamic of continuous improvement. Prioritize simplicity and responsiveness. Knowing how to evaluate oneself, share experiences and evolve.



Constantly ask yourself the right questions and sometimes question yourself.



Defend access to water for all.



Accomplish a mission of general interest and assume the resulting duty to set an example.



Make decisions today with tomorrow's generations in mind.


It means seeking efficiency by committing to a dynamic of continuous improvement. It means favoring simplicity and responsiveness. It also means knowing how to evaluate oneself, share experiences, identify best practices.


It's being open and listening to what's going on around us. It means proposing intelligent solutions to new problems, constantly asking the right questions and sometimes questioning yourself. It means flexibly integrating new constraints into our processes and anticipating regulatory changes or innovations.


It means transforming individual skills into collective strength, bringing our common culture to life every day. It means being at the service of the general interest by ensuring a controlled water price and by defending access to water for all.


It means respecting commitments made and achieving objectives. It means accomplishing a mission of general interest and assuming the duty to set an example that results from it.


It means making decisions today with tomorrow's generations in mind. It means preferring preventive actions to curative actions in the exploitation of water resources.

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A corporate culture based on responsibility

Responsibility, which is one of our company's five values, implies for all of our employees a duty to set an example in all actions carried out within the framework of their missions.

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Eau de Paris

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Eau de Paris

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Eau de Paris

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